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Donde Esta El Pollo?
On Thursday a few of us headed over to Burrito Max. I'd been here before, just not since I started photographing my food and posting it on the Internet. Burrito Max is know for their wacky menu options, so I decided to get the Harvest burrito.
I usually don't do this sort of thing.
Allow me to quote from the menu:
chicken, gravy, cornbread, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and sweet potato - $5.45

Please refer to the above photos. I submit to you, there was no chicken in this Thanksgiving leftover burrito. Many may point out that there is no chicken on Thanksgiving, either. That, my friends, is immaterial.
As I dug in, I assumed only that the contents were poorly distributed. While they were, (no sweet potato in photos #1, #4, & #5), the conspicuous absence of chicken soon consumed my investigation.
You will notice in photo #4 that there appears to be a chicken-ish substance in the middle of the burrito. I assure you, that is nothing more than tortilla.
Photo #6 documents me hopelessly seeking the chicken for which I paid.
This Burrito Max meal was rated: .Sunday, May 01, 2005 by Jonah.