The Burrito Blog
July 2005
Bright Green Sauce, Take Two

Specimen: Chicken burrito.
Green Stuff: El Yucateco Habañero Sauce.
Analyst: DJ Turbz
Verdict: Good if you've got a sinus infection.
Thursday, July 28, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Bright Green Sauce, Take Two
Bright Green Sauce, Take One

Specimen: Potato burrito.
Green Stuff: Homemade aguacate sauce.
Analyst: Jonah.
Verdict: Good if you're a vegetarian.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Bright Green Sauce, Take One
A Changing Of The Card

This card has history. One time the staff caught me doing a pass-back and wrote Zach's name on the card.
I've gotten some complaints (Betsy, Carl) about my ratings for El Pelon. The truth is I like it there; I nearly filled the repeat burrito buyer card.
Sadly, I will never reap the reward of my consumption.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for A Changing Of The Card
The Eagle Has Left The Nest

When I started working at Overdrive, I ate Anna's almost every day. While some might think that's a fitting way to finish, I offer an alternative hypothesis. Overdrive has helped me explore my horizons/lunch options, and that's how we're going to end it - with something new.
This is certainly not the end for Burrito Blog, only the end of Brighton, MA as a base of operations.
Friday, July 22, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for The Eagle Has Left The Nest
What Dreams Are Made Of

If only all meals could all be this peaceful.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for What Dreams Are Made Of
All Points West

In the true spirit of journalism, Burrito Blog has obtained footage proving she actually eats. This was her last Mexican meal, at Picante, before moving to LA.
I know, I know, Picante as a last meal just isn't right, but I was in a mad rush to go see March of the Penguins (which ruled) with Sean and Nik so we didn't have time to find parking at Felipe's.
Oh yeah, Lisa got two tacos and was shocked to find they each came on their own plate.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for All Points West
Weekend In Chicago

This city is amazing. Reviews to follow.
Sunday, July 17, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Weekend In Chicago
Shrimp Burrito Falls Short

I ordered the shrimp burrito with a spinach tortilla (an option I did not expect) and waited patiently.
It was so close to being excellent, but a few details blew it. So, if anyone who reads this frequents the Purple Cactus, please give the chef my recommendations:
1. Heat the shrimp. They're waiting on ice. Cold shrimp + hot beans = bad burrito.
2. Change up the cheese. They use this super fine shredded cheese that just didn't sit well with me.
If they take care of that, this burrito would be killer. Let's see how much recipe influence I have...
Friday, July 15, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Shrimp Burrito Falls Short
Welcome To The Purple Cactus

They serve burritos, wraps, and smoothies.
The first time I went to this place was with Rich and Tim, who is now in Iraq. I remember Tim got two burritos, and then the three of us got drunk.
Friday, July 15, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To The Purple Cactus | Comments (2)
I Hit The Airwaves

So, if you still own one of those trash boxes formerly known as television, check out the show. It's one of the few that actually encourages you to get off the couch and do something.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for I Hit The Airwaves
It's Not His Fault

Although the cart has been serving Washington since 1994, it is only open during the lunch rush for downtown offices building.
This entry was written by Burrito Chris.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for It's Not His Fault
Free Slurpee Today Only

Details are available here.
The no cost slurpees are smaller than shown at right.
Monday, July 11, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Free Slurpee Today Only
Oh, It’s Supreme Alright

My item of choice had, until recently, been the Cheesy Gordita Crunch. It’s pretty much a taco with a layer of flat bread (not to be confused with the soft taco shell) outside of the hard taco shell, and enough cheese melted between them to hold the flat bread on. The new Crunchwrap Supreme has taken the hard/soft texture combination idea and advanced it. On a huge soft taco shell, they pile beef, melted cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and sour cream. They also include a layer of crunchy "tostada" shell. It’s hard to describe, but then they fold the soft taco shell over all of that, and grill it. When it’s done, it doesn’t look like a taco, or a burrito, or a wrap, but more reminiscent of a flying saucer. And it tastes awesome.
I had 5 of these puppies in the first week that they were released (not yet more than 2 at a time, but no one has dared me yet). They’re bigger than expected for the $1.79 they cost, although reports of $1.89 have come in from the Midwest. I don’t pretend to say that they rival a real, quality burrito, but dollar-for-dollar this thing made me pretty happy. Plus, there aren’t too many options for quick, cheap food late night in my area of Miami. My biggest complaint with Taco Bell's Crunchwrap is that it’s virtually impossible to get the hot sauce inside without being a skilled surgeon. I did it, but it wasn’t easy. Maybe it’s better to just put some on each bite.
This entry was written by Phil.
Monday, July 11, 2005 by Phil. Permalink for Oh, It’s Supreme Alright
No Meat Equals No Problem

Chris went with the medium size black and tan (both types of beans) with guacamole. Big Mike went with the large black and tan with sour cream and cheese. All the ingredients are well distributed throughout the burrito and the beans are amazing. Apparently the black beans are spiced with cinnamon, or at least that’s what the menu says. Either way they are incredible.
The quantity is just as good as the quality. A full Big Mike had to endure a 3 hour meeting following this meal and Burrito Chris reports that work productivity fell during the ensuing digestion time.
Was it worth it? Yes, it was.
Friday, July 08, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for No Meat Equals No Problem
Welcome To Pedro & Vinny's Cart

You will be moved swiftly, but kindly, so be ready. As you wait, enjoy free chips with the dozens of hot sauces to try. Then choose your favorites to put on and your burrito will be made right under your nose.
Photograph of Mike taken by camera shy Chris, the author of this entry.
Friday, July 08, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To Pedro & Vinny's Cart | Comments (5)
Jambalaya Burrito De Furnari

Background: Junior Burrito Analyst John Furnari, creator of the previously mentioned burrito.
According to Wikipedia, the only site better than Burrito Blog, Jambalaya is:
Jambalaya is a variety of rice-based dish common in Louisiana Cajun or Creole cooking. It probably derives from the Spanish dish paella, possibly brought to Louisiana when Spain controlled the territory comprising the future Louisiana Purchase.
According to me, a Jambalaya burrito is:
Free breakfast
This {Other} meal was rated: .
Thursday, July 07, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Jambalaya Burrito De Furnari
Consumer Price Index And Tacos

July marks a flat $.10 increase in all items at Anna's.
Crack open your piggy banks, you now have a good use for your dimes.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Consumer Price Index And Tacos
Even The Milk Tastes Chocolaty

Remember that Count Chocula ad from when we were little - about how the Coco Crispies were so strong they would make the milk taste like chocolate? Well, I was never allowed sugar cereals, so instead of a sweet tooth I became addicted to starches.
Yeah, starches, like rice and tortillas.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Even The Milk Tastes Chocolaty
Anna's Latest: Horchata

Horchata is another such exception. It's a cold, rice drink with cinnamon and almond flavors. Allegedly, it is dairy free.
Although it does not photograph well, it tastes good.
Happy 4th of July!
Monday, July 04, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Anna's Latest: Horchata
From Broadband To Broadcast

Details to follow.
Friday, July 01, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for From Broadband To Broadcast