The Burrito Blog
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Company Better Than Carnitas

Enter David Karlsberg, my former housemate distanced by a few years and many miles (along with Jessie, Dave, and Kristin). I ran into this kiddo unexpectedly on the second day of my west coast trip at some bar in Santa Monica.
On Sunday we met up for lunch at Los Burritos. While he got the quesadilla and questioned my judgment on consuming the local tap water, I questioned why 'Los' had been built up as such an amazing place. Maybe it was just an off day.
My company was better than my food (no crema carnitas burrito - detailed review will follow) and that's not saying much when your company is David Karlsberg. I kid.
Check out David's quality television commercials here and other work here.
Thursday, November 03, 2005 by Jonah.