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Road Trip: 3000 Miles

I apologize. I have been derelict in my duty as a burrito analyst for the past few weeks. However, I have a good explanation. I, Phil Jonas, have just left the drab, burrito-lacking city of Miami, for the burrito-rich shores of San Francisco. The trip, made via rented moving truck, was long and difficult and involved an obscene amount of gas money, and several Red Bulls.
Now here I am, living in the heart of San Francisco's Mexican neighborhood, the Mission. Burrito establishments surround me. It seems like there's one on every corner. It's almost dizzying.
I'm not sure where to begin, but over time, I will visit each and every one of them, and report my findings back to you, the interested burrito enthusiast, or lost internet surfer.
No longer shall you call me Phil Jonas, Miami Burrito Analyst, for I am now Phil Jonas, Northern California Burrito Analyst.
Monday, February 06, 2006 by Phil.