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Welcome To Benitos Taco Shop

Benitos claims to be LA's original taco shop, though I don't know how true that could possibly be. They also claim to be home of the rolled taco, a.k.a. taquito. Prices are low, the floor is dirty, and the burritos are filling.
Here are the locations:
- Beverly and Fairfax (Map)
- Santa Monica Blvd. and Highland (Map)
- La Cienega near Pico (Map)
- Santa Monica and Federal (Map) - my favorite
Check it out, any hour of the day. The official site can be found here and the menu here.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 by Jonah.
I'm surprised that you rated the taquitos so high. Due to that truly DISGUSTING excuse for a guacamole sauce they rate a ZERO! Gawd, I hope that guac crap doesn't show up in anything else. BTW I've only eaten at the SM/Federal branch.
I would never go out of my way for a taquito, but the ones served down on Olvera Street are pretty good (but getting tourista-pricey).
Posted by: DiveFan at September 25, 2006 03:31 AM