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Welcome To Del Taco

That kind of size is impressive, but even more impressive when you take into account that it's privately held.
Warning: Del Taco serves burgers and fries.
Bonus: Most locations are open 24 hours.
Check out the official site here.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 by Jonah.
I didn't know Del Taco was still in business since all the restaurants in GA and SC have disappeared. They must still be in the west.
Disgusting they are not! I preferred them to Taco Bell and hated to see them close here. They had a great menu, better than Taco Bell's.
Posted by: Carl at June 6, 2006 03:59 PM
for over 10 yrs ive been going to del taco. i have a bean burrito at least 3 times a week. I love the beans, i just wish the employees were trained better on how to put them together. why is every burrito i've ever had, the cheese and the sauce is always dumped at the bottom end of the burrito rather than spread out evenly. by the time you get to the end the thing is falling apart so rarely do i get to eat the best part because i end up throwing away the last 2 inches. o.k. so i'll ask for a spoon from now on & open it up to get the good stuff. signed irritated!!!
Posted by: elaine thomas at June 8, 2006 05:37 PM
Some of thr Del Tacos in GA are still open.
Tybee Island & Duluth that I know of.
I love Del taco.
The company was recently purchased by the parent company of CAPTAIN D's seafood, based in Nashville, so I predict lots of new DEL-SOUTHEASTERN restaurants!
Posted by: tEAMgOON at July 14, 2006 11:24 PM
I love the Del Taco Spicy Jack Quesadilla with and without chicken. I think the "goo" that everyone speaks of is the same as the stuff in a can of Ortega Chiles. Taco Bell used to use that stuff on their quesadillas and I thought they were delicious. I can make something similar at home if I throw a buttered tortilla on a hot pan, add cheese (shredded mexican style with white and orange cheeses from the store works fine) and add some Ortega green chiles from the can on half of the tortilla, fold it in half and keep flipping it from side to side until it is browned and crisp. mmmmm...
Posted by: vengovaquero at August 3, 2006 12:05 PM
I moved to Savannah Ga last year and could only find 1 Del Taco in all of GA. IT was in St. Simons Island. I just checked Del Taco's website and it is no longer on there. Anyone know if there is still a Del taco there or anywhere in GA ? Del Taco' website only has a phone # to email address. Damn I miss that food!
Posted by: Shawn at September 6, 2006 02:37 PM
I live in Chattanooga TN and I miss Del Taco! I love their green burrito! It is far superior to Taco Bell. I hope they come south again!
Posted by: Linda at February 28, 2007 02:06 AM
I am originally from Georgia although I now live in England. I was living in Dublin, Georgia in the late 1970's when Del Taco came to town. I heard that they closed nearly all of the Del Tacos in Georgia because they used asbestos in their building materials. Apparently some did not comply with the demand to rebuild and remove the asbestos and were closed down. Ironically enough many were replaced by Taco Bells, too. I much preferred Del Taco to Taco Bell. I was amazed to find Del Tacos alive and well and thriving during a trip to California, however. I loved Del Taco's ultimate taco and sorely miss them. You really can't get decent Mexican food in England. Many so-called Mexican restaurants in England don't even have tacos on their menus and they also seem to think all Mexican food has to be hot and spicy. Another thing I find puzzling is why there are no Jack-in-the-Boxes in Georgia. I went to one in California and really liked it. I went to the Del Taco on St. Simons Island, Georgia last summer, but I think it may now have been sadly closed down.
Posted by: Mike Davidson at June 26, 2007 08:57 AM
As a part owner of Del Taco in Salem and Albany Oregon since November 2006. (Yes new owners) I will tell you that I have never seen a burrito leave like the picture above. I am shocked, and on the behalf of the rest of us, I hope you sincerely receive my apologies. While that was not our store, I am still shocked. I know that accidents happen, but that should not of been served. Del Taco has a wonderful fan base, not only due to the freshness, but the cleanliness of the stores, and the wonderful food. I just wish that your experience was a better one. Please do try us again!!!
Posted by: sarah at October 25, 2007 06:30 PM
the only "complaint" i have about the del taco here in nashville (actually, mt. juliet, a 25 minute drive from my house) is their lack of the spicy jack quesadilla. i'm hoping when they open the one in town they serve it because i have been craving one since i left california 2 & 1/2 years ago..
Posted by: jennifer at December 5, 2007 12:58 AM
HI, I drive 30 minutes to goto the Mt Juliet Location. I wish Murfreesboro TN would hurry up and get one. One oped up in my hometown of Mishawaka, IN. Who woulda thunk it!!!!!!! Come one Del Taco build more and Kick Taco Bells ass!!!
Posted by: Jeff at March 31, 2008 10:25 PM
I heard the Del Taco is fixin' to open several stores in the Chattanooga area to completly compete with Taco Bell. So enjoy :)
Posted by: Jeffrey Moritz Jr at August 17, 2008 06:58 PM
After a 30 minute drive to Mt. Juliet to goto Del Taco, It was GONE!!!!!!. Was a co brand with Captain D's. It is now just a Captain D's again. It was fun while it lasted. Now I am stuck with Taco Bell.
Posted by: Jeff at January 27, 2009 04:41 PM
Ragging on Del Taco is against many laws and moral codes. Del Taco is G-ds gift to mexican fast food. You sir, need to revisit. And do not get a Macho burrito. Go with the regular combo burrito and have them add rice. Or get the spicy chicken burrito.
Posted by: John at March 24, 2009 05:57 PM
Yup, confirmed on the lack of Del Taco in Mt. Juliet, but the woman on the phone tells me one is coming soon in the Hickory Hollow area!
Posted by: Sara M. Harvey at June 9, 2009 03:10 PM
I belive they are about to open a new Del Taco here in Douglasville, Ga. The sign has been up for a while now, they are just finishing up on construction of the shopping center. They seem to be waiting on the road work being done to Hwy. 92 which at this time makes it impossible to get into the parking lot
Posted by: Justin Lochamy at June 29, 2009 11:45 AM
Del taco burritos are very good! well i just eat the bean & cheese with red sauce cuz the green one makes my burrito very gross looking haha but i have to admit it taste better...
and hey dude.. ewwkk those pictures are very nasty looking dont post them! now im not hungry!!!!! (and i was before reading ur blog) grrrrrr...
Posted by: evyrockz at August 12, 2009 03:00 PM