The Burrito Blog
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America Needs Burritos

Is America prepared to give up the beloved tortilla lunch and go back to burgers?
Of course not.
Imagine a world without burritos. Putting aside my own personal plight, consider how burritos are good for America.
- Burritos increase worker productivity.
- Establishments often have long lines and limited seating. When lunch is ordered to go, workers return to work more quickly. So says my old boss.
- The speed at which burrito creators operate inspires me to work harder, faster.
- Burritos are good for the public health.
- Most burritos are grilled or steamed, not fried.
- Carbs in the rice and tortillas give you energy. See also: worker productivity.
- Protein in the chicken / steak / carnitas is good for your muscles.
- Salsa is a serving of fruits or vegetables. (Allegedly corn tortillas are not a serving of vegetables. I have checked with a dietitian.)
- Without sour cream or enchilado style serving, burritos can be heart healthy.
- Burritos are economical food for the masses.
- With an average price under $5.00, burritos are affordable for almost everyone.
- Like the unfulfilled promise for a study on Guacamole pricing, Burrito Blog will conduct a frequency distribution on burrito pricing...when we get around to it.
This entry is filed in {News}.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 by Jonah.