The Burrito Blog
June 2006
Tortilla Tech: Specs And Video

DoughPro's DP2000 (The TortillaPro) is just too interesting to ignore.
Panchero's began using the DoughPro tortilla making machine in 1998, and has never looked back. Their tortillas are made seconds before filling application. This results in low degrees of tortilla consistency, but unmatched levels of freshness.
Oh, and we have the blueprints, kinda.
How does this crazy machine work? I'm so glad you're still reading. Because we have video of the DP2000 in action. Check out the link for the video. Note the technician in the white laboratory coat.
Thursday, June 29, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Tortilla Tech: Specs And Video
400 Posts, Cleaning House

To celebrate, I decided to clear out all the spam from comments and the Mexican Restaurant Directory. That took half the day. Look for some changes to Burrito Blog in the coming weeks.
The aspiration and horchata have been flowing.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for 400 Posts, Cleaning House
Powered By Burritos

There are many people I have to thank for helping me achieve my fundraising goal. Among them is my sole corporate sponsor, the very generous Taqueria El Buen Sabor, who helped sponsor my ride and also supplied me with a free t-shirt (barely distinguishable in the picture shown here), which I was happy to wear on the ride.
El Buen Sabor also supplied me (though not free) with one of their delicious Super Chile Verde burritos the night before, which provided me with some of the nutrients necessary to complete the 585 mile ride. Review to follow.
Thank you, El Buen Sabor, for your contribution in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Powered By Burritos
Another Victim Of Santa Fe Style

This entry is filed in Santa Fe Cafe.
Monday, June 26, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Another Victim Of Santa Fe Style
No Nombre

Weird looking, but not bad.
Friday, June 23, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for No Nombre
Keyser Sesos

Phil and I split the taco. He was able to finish his half. I couldn't do more than a couple bites.
Brains tastes like organ meat. It's really soft and the smell reminds me of 10th grade biology lab. I don't think I'll try it again.
Much of my distaste for brains was probably mental, which is ironic. Ha!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Keyser Sesos
Archive: Nate And The Quesadilla

A frequent consumer of Anna's Taqueria, Nate noted that the La Taqueria quesadillas are slightly more greasy and bi-fold when compared to the tri-fold Anna's version.
Monday, June 19, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Archive: Nate And The Quesadilla
Excitement, Ingredients Not Contained

Phil joined me, but I forget what he had.
While lacking in structural integrity, the carne asada burrito was definitely above average with respect to taste.
Saturday, June 17, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Excitement, Ingredients Not Contained
Welcome To Taqueria Cancun

Time to silence the critics.
The music is out of control loud inside, and seating is family style on picnic tables.
The menu includes all kinds of authentic greats, including tortas, ceviche, pechuga suiza, lengua (tongue), and sesos (brains). Click on the picture of the menu for a full size version.Note: not to be confused with Taqueria Cancun in Boston.
Saturday, June 17, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To Taqueria Cancun | Comments (6)
Interview On FoodCandy
FoodCandy just posted an interview with yours truly. My favorite part:
world famous Burrito BlogYou know it.
This entry is filed in {Press}.
Thursday, June 15, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Interview On FoodCandy
Ready, Set, Tortilla Toss

Sure, there are still some serious athletes who run out in front of the pack, but they're followed by a mass of about 70,000 drunk, costumed (sometimes nude) partiers.
To kick off the race, thousands of tortillas are hurled into the air at the starting line in the annual "Tortilla Toss." To get a picture of the flying tortillas, this burrito analyst would have had to wake up at about 7am on a Sunday. Not likely.
Instead, I provide you with a picture of the Tortilla Toss aftermath, where the streets of San Francisco become blanketed by burritos that will never be.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Ready, Set, Tortilla Toss
Archive: Chile Verde Plate

This meal was taken while out to lunch with Jerry and Zags a couple months ago.
In an effort to avoid eating burritos in secret, I'm catching up on may unshared burrito experiences from days long past.
Sunday, June 11, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Archive: Chile Verde Plate
Hot Sauce Application Analysis

There are two prevailing theories:
- Pre Production | Applied by burrito constructor
- Post Production | Applied by burrito consumer
Pre Production Pros:
- Strong distribution with ingredients
- Care free eating experience
- One handed operation
- Cannot season to taste
- Limited choice in hot sauce variety
- Season to taste
- Sample multiple sauces per burrito
- Poor distribution
- Repetitive application required
Plus La Taqueria is delicious, which doesn't hurt.
Thursday, June 08, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Hot Sauce Application Analysis
Burrito, Enchilada, Same Thing Here

Was it good? Sure, it was ok, definitely on the sloppy side. But the delivered meal failed to resemble my expectations. Bonus points are awarded for being massive.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Burrito, Enchilada, Same Thing Here
Welcome To Santa Fe Cafe

Incidentally, I had just seen Why We Fight the week before in San Diego, near the naval base.
Return to Santa Fe, in Virginia.
The cafe is has seating but no table service - that's exactly my style. Available selections include hamburgers and salads, which filled me with fear.
Check out the menu on the official site here.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To Santa Fe Cafe
Bicycle! Bicycle!

We hope he gets there.
Phil, pictured here at La Taqueria, one of San Francisco's most famous taqueria's, takes a mean bite out of a burrito. Did you know he once ate three in one sitting?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Bicycle! Bicycle!
Burrito Blog Sells Out

This is a joke.
Monday, June 05, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Burrito Blog Sells Out
Mice Are Not Ingredients, Even At Taco Bell

Taco Bell might not make everyone's favorite burrito, but that's just ridiculous.
The muerta mouse plan landed Ryan Daniel Goff 16 to 30 months in the big house. Casa grande!
Source: CNN.
Friday, June 02, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Mice Are Not Ingredients, Even At Taco Bell
I Am Brown Like Pinto Beans

I am still a burrito loving gringo, just a very tan one.
Many thanks to San Francisco analyst, Phil, for picking up the slack before embarking on his bicycle ride from San Francisco to LA on a quest for good tortillas and good deeds.
Thursday, June 01, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for I Am Brown Like Pinto Beans