The Burrito Blog
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We're Watching You, Rainbow

There were two things I hadn't counted on. First, the extremely short duration of time spent in LA after the ride. Second, the complete lack of interest of the rest of my team in finding a taqueria.
Instead, they insisted on a loud, overpriced, disgusting dive called the Rainbow Bar & Grill, which featured a man dressed like Gene Simmons and an entire group of ten guys all dressed like Poison.
Still, I remained true to the mission and ordered an "Apple Burrito" from the dessert menu. But this Apple Burrito was no burrito. Rather, it was apple pie filling wrapped in a piece of pie crust, made to look like a burrito. And that would have been ok, except that it was horrible.
Rainbow Bar & Grill has besmirched the name of the burrito for their own selfish purpose of selling substandard food. We're watching you, Rainbow.
Below is the final list of the Burrito Blog faithful who donated to support the fight against AIDS:
Megan James
Louis Haywood
Dov Sharon
Taqueria El Buen Sabor
Mary Mazzocco
Nick Lindauer
Cathy Hsu
Nathan Slavik
David Szabo
"Big" Mike Schwimmer
Jonah Feld
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 by Phil.