The Burrito Blog
August 2006
Archive: Kristin And John

While the patrons have been identified in part due to nail polish, their burritos will remain nameless. Notes were lost in the move back east. I think one had eggs, and the other potatoes, but that is speculation.
No one likes a burrito served naked (without foil) so the key at Tacos Por Favor is to get your burrito ordered "to-go" and then you get foil.
Despite the lack of aluminum included in the meal, high marks were awarded for taste and structural integrity.
This Tacos Por Favor meal was rated: .Thursday, August 31, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Archive: Kristin And John
Contrast: Campechanos And Carnitas

The sum of their contribution = some of Boston's best tacos.
The campechanos is pretty ridiculously greasy, so don't get it all the time.
For visual subtleties in meat color, see also: Even The Milk Tastes Chocolaty.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Contrast: Campechanos And Carnitas
Not Just For Dessert Anymore

Why should you care? In addition to some interesting dessert-related recipes such as "Strawberry Twinkie Jubilee," "Banana Java Twinkie Supreme," and, of course, "Twinkie-misu," Hostess also offers "recipes" for creative, non-dessert sounding items such as "Twinkie Kebobs," "Twinkie Lasagna," and "Hostess Twinkies Sushi."
Included in the latter category are also "recipes" for "Twinkie Tacos" and "Twinkie Burritos." So far my imagination has been unable to wrap itself around what a Twinkie Burrito might look and taste like, but my initial reaction is that I'm a little grossed out. Twinkie's website does however provide a picture and recipe for the Twinkie Tacos, available here.
If anyone finds a picture and/or recipe for the Twinkie Burrito, please let us know. I'm unwilling to pay the $10 it costs to buy the cookbook on Also, if anyone gets the opportunity to sample either the Tacos or the Burritos, I'd love to hear feedback.
Thursday, August 24, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Not Just For Dessert Anymore
Fed Stabilizes Rates, Anna's Raises

Expect some 'creative pricing' as employees adjust to the new burrito rates. Today's super burrito cost $5.37 after tax.
If anyone knows of a study on the price elasticity of fast food (preferably Mexican), please send it my way.
Monday, August 21, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Fed Stabilizes Rates, Anna's Raises
El Pelon's Fish Tacos Revisited

After all, fish tacos were never my area of expertise. Having since spent significant time in California, I was able to refine my fish taco frame of reference here and there.
And you know what? I was wrong. I admit it. Forgive me, fans of El Pelon?
The fish tacos from El Pelon are pretty decent. They are definitely better looking, a little bigger, and less drowned in cabbage. Fish don't swim in cabbage, you know.
This El Pelon Taqueria meal was rated: .Thursday, August 17, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for El Pelon's Fish Tacos Revisited
Mini-Me Oversees Chopping Operation

La Cumbre Taqueria is the first taqueria I've been to so far where they chop the steak and chicken to order. As anyone even superficially versed in the culinary arts probably knows, cutting meat too prematurely causes the juices to run out, and the meat to dry out. Waiting several minutes to cut the meat after removing it from heat allows the juices to settle within the meat, and not as much is lost when the meat is finally cut.
It was very refreshing to see La Cumbre utilize this technique. The result in my Carne Asada super burrito was a juiciness and tenderness of the meat that I hadn't experienced since Anna's Taqueria. The rest of the ingredients were pretty average, and made for an average burrito overall, but points are definitely awarded for La Cumbre's culinary prowess.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Mini-Me Oversees Chopping Operation
Welcome To La Cumbre Taqueria

An aside: Perhaps I should be more cautious about making comments regarding the proximity of certain taquerias to my residence, should any overzealous Burrito Blog readers try to triangulate the location of their local Burrito Analyst.
Nevertheless, La Cumbre Taqueria - shown here amidst the captivating nightlife of the Mission - was a must try.
Also, one time I met a guy at La Salsa who claimed that his brother owned La Cumbre. That statement has yet remained uncorroborated, however I see no reason not to give him the benefit of the doubt.
To take a look at the menu here.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Welcome To La Cumbre Taqueria | Comments (1)
I Make Marks Like Zorro

This is similar to how Fajita's & 'Ritas lets you write all over their walls. But more filthy.
Fitting though:
Zorro, Spanish for fox, is...a fictional nobleman and master swordsman living in Spanish-era California.
I used to live in modern day Spanish-era California, and am fictionally Spanish.
Saturday, August 12, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for I Make Marks Like Zorro
Risky Lifestyle Impairs Burrito Eating

My pain threshold was crossed when I got home and tried to eat dinner.
I hadn't counted on how tough it was going to be when I purchased the super chile verde pork burrito from El Buen Sabor, but as I sat there for about 45 minutes nibbling at my burrito, lacking the ability to chew properly, I realized that this injury was going to be a bigger inconvenience that I thought.
I hope this doesn't leave a mark.
Friday, August 11, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Risky Lifestyle Impairs Burrito Eating
Google Cruise: Bad Burrito Results Found

No surprise, I was in attendance.
I ran into some familiar faces, like Steve Silva, the big dog of Boston Dirt Dogs.
While Google provides great results for just about anything you seek on the Internet, they failed to provide good burritos at this catered event. The chicken was ok and so was the guacamole, but there's no excuse for this tortilla: paper thin and prone to breakage.
As a result, I tossed my burrito pictured above, and focused on the free drinks. A mistake? Perhaps.
Thursday, August 10, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Google Cruise: Bad Burrito Results Found
Larger Than Life

Restaurant: La Salsa
It's difficult to tell from the picture, but this guy was probably 30 feet tall. Now ponder the circumference of his sombrero.
Sunday, August 06, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Larger Than Life
Mahi Mahi vs. Beer Battered

In the top photo, we have the challenger, the $2.99 Mahi Mahi Fish Taco from Rubio's.
In the bottom photo, we have the defending champion, the Rubio's customer favorite, the $1.69 'World Famous' Fish Taco, Beer Batter style.
The Mahi Mahi made the first move. And by that I mean I ate it first. It was elegant, not fried, held a modest weight advantage, and if I remember right, came with a touch of guacamole.

This fight would have to go to the judges. The Beer Batter was definitely less filling, but also less expensive. I theorized that the fried nature of the Beer Batter must be unhealthy. However, when going to the card (nutritional information) both tacos are about the same.
The Mahi Mahi's health advantage having been mitigated, Beer Batter was named the winner, and defended the title.
Friday, August 04, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Mahi Mahi vs. Beer Battered
Chipotle Maintains Hold On Girlfriend

Jen and I used to live in Miami. We moved clear across the country to San Francisco. The burrito prospects in Miami were poor. Very poor.
San Francisco held promise of being burrito Mecca. We've already been to many of the taquerias here, but yet we've only scratched the surface. Some weren't so good, but some have competed with the best I've ever had. Still, where does Jen find enjoyment? In the familiar, hip, modern-industrial halls of Chipotle, where the burritos taste good but fall apart like clockwork.
Better bring your fork. And bring Jen too if you can. Only Chipotle makes her this happy.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Chipotle Maintains Hold On Girlfriend
Enfrijoladas Con Huevos

Enter Enfrijoladas Con Huevos, a popular Mexican breakfast of tortillas with beans and eggs. This was great, though I prefer huevos rancheros only because I love rice.
Pili's, you rock.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Enfrijoladas Con Huevos