The Burrito Blog
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Welcome To La Cumbre Taqueria

An aside: Perhaps I should be more cautious about making comments regarding the proximity of certain taquerias to my residence, should any overzealous Burrito Blog readers try to triangulate the location of their local Burrito Analyst.
Nevertheless, La Cumbre Taqueria - shown here amidst the captivating nightlife of the Mission - was a must try.
Also, one time I met a guy at La Salsa who claimed that his brother owned La Cumbre. That statement has yet remained uncorroborated, however I see no reason not to give him the benefit of the doubt.
To take a look at the menu here.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 by Phil.
hey, really like the blog, a little mad you beat me to it. anyway, oysters are traditionally though of as an aphrodisiac, hence the "lift" aspect of the sign. i can't answer the rest of your questions however.
Posted by: alex at October 11, 2006 10:57 PM