The Burrito Blog
October 2006
Free Boo-Rito At Chipotle

Conditions: To qualify for the free burrito, your must be dressed as a
- Chipotle burrito
- Chipotle taco
- Chipotle burrito bol
- Chipotle salad
This entry is filed in Chipotle.
Monday, October 30, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Free Boo-Rito At Chipotle
Anna's Elusive Breakfast Burrito

I have seen it first hand; I have tasted its legend.
The breakfast burrito is available only at the MIT location. That Anna's Taqueria installation opens at 7am (I do not wake up that early) and thankfully continues to serve the breakfast burrito until mid morning.
- Eggs
- Beans
- Rice
- Potato
- Steak - but not the regular carne asada
- Cheese
- Salsa
- Spinach - sometimes
This Anna's Taqueria meal was rated: .
Friday, October 27, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Anna's Elusive Breakfast Burrito
Bursting At The Corn Husk Seam

Ok, to be fair, I've been eating these things constantly and in secret. Not all my meals are shared on the so called series of tubes. While none have been as amazing as the first, all have been great experiences.
The Kendall Square (Cambridge) Boca Grande employees that served this particular tamale were kind enough to substitute guacamole for sour cream free of charge, giving this tamale the high score. You guys rule.
Monday, October 23, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Bursting At The Corn Husk Seam
Web Overlords Love Burritos

We went to Taco Loco in Somerville to talk about the Internet and burritos. Taco Loco is also pretty excellent, and I really don't go there often enough. As proof, I got lost on the way there. Then I lost the pictures once I returned home.
Like embarrassing secrets in Ashlee Simpson's past, the photos of our lunch have resurfaced for your enjoyment.
Tell your friends to put down their copies of US Weekly, pick up the keyboard, and have a go at Fafarazzi.
Friday, October 20, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Web Overlords Love Burritos
Highest Value Tacos: Hurry To Boloco
Yesterday John, champion of Burrito Blog's first speed eating contest, and I went and took advantage of Boloco's 3 tacos for $2 offer (coupon required).
Rather, yesterday we accepted the offer. When we go back over and over again until 10/31/06, we will be taking advantage.
Regularly priced just under $6 for 3, the tacos we decent. John had 3 steak and I mixed it up with steak, carnitas, and tofu. Unless you're really into tofu, I recommend not experimenting. It tasted fine, but was straight out of the refrigerator, and no one likes a cold taco.
Tacos came with salsa, shredded cheese, and some undisclosed, peach colored, tangy sauce. The sauce had a nice kick, but as burgers do not require Thousand Island dressing, tacos need not be similarly altered. Next time I'll get it on the side or not at all.
Unfortunately my camera phone is garbage, and you deal hunters will just have to trust me. Taco Bell's value pricing is a joke compared to this. Go.
This Boloco meal was rated: .Wednesday, October 18, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Highest Value Tacos: Hurry To Boloco
3 Tacos For $2, Coupon At Boloco
Boloco is running a promotion until 10/31/06 where you can get 3 tacos for $2, if you bring in a printed copy of their coupon, here.
That's about the best deal ever for 3 tacos, so hit print and get your jacket.
This entry is filed in Boloco.Monday, October 16, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for 3 Tacos For $2, Coupon At Boloco
Tortilla Supply Chain: Harbar LLC

The Boston Globe ran a great article about restaurant suppliers last week. By restaurants I mean taquerias, and by supplies I mean tortillas.
Harbar LLC tortillas, available in stores under the name Maria & Ricardo's Tortilla Factory - and as the shell of choice at Anna's Taqueria, Boloco, and many other local places...the reasons that the demand on Harbar's 60 employees for 250 kinds of tortillas is so high.The full article goes into some serious depth about tortilla manufacturing.
Harbar tortillas are sold under private labels in many markets. Maria and Ricardo's brand are available at Harvest Co-op Markets and Whole Foods Markets (10 wheat or corn tortillas cost about $2.50)
Heidi Maria Hartung, founder of Harbar, you are the Henry Ford of my world.
Friday, October 13, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Tortilla Supply Chain: Harbar LLC
Desk Lunch Less Exciting, Still Delicious

In about 10 minutes, I can get down the street to El Zorro, order a super steak burrito (like the one pictured at right) and be back to work. And that's all the time I need.
Though staring at my phone and keyboard while I dine is not the most picturesque of settings, El Zorro's super burritos still provide a great lunch that won't let you down. There's nothing particularly remarkable about them, nor are they especially a bargain, but the burritos at El Zorro are solid and consistent, and they taste very good. Even at my desk, lunch is usually the highlight of my day.
Saturday, October 07, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Desk Lunch Less Exciting, Still Delicious
Welcome to El Zorro

Taqueria El Zorro probably doesn't get the recognition it deserves because it's situated in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood (Map), which is better known for overpriced, greasy, unimaginative, tourist-trap Italian restaurants masquerading as authentic, high-end Italian cuisine, but in actuality are probably much closer in quality to Olive Garden.
I say next time you're in North Beach, skip the spaghetti and calamari and get yourself a burrito from El Zorro. They don't have the outdoor seating that many of the Italian places have, but you can always get it to-go and walk up Columbus a few blocks to Washington Square for some nice outdoor dining.
Saturday, October 07, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Welcome to El Zorro | Comments (1)
Sign Perplexes Burrito Analyst

- What do oysters have to do with needing a lift?
- Why is "Need a lift?" in quotation marks? Who's posing that question, the oysters, the kangaroo, or La Cumbre?
- Is this sign asking the oysters if they need a lift from a kangaroo, or alerting the customer the the presence of oysters and then asking the customer if s/he needs a lift that can be provided by said oysters.
- Either way, why would oysters need a lift in the case of the former, and what kind of lift do oysters provide in the case of the latter?
- Why would a kangaroo be a logical mode of transportation for oysters? I understand that kangaroos have pouches, but wouldn't osyters be transported more efficiently by putting them in a bag and driving them somewhere?
- Why does La Cumbre Taqueria seem to be the only taqueria that stocks oysters?
- Does La Cumbre sell many oysters?
- Does La Cumbre even really have oysters?
My query of this sign could probably go on. If I'm missing an obvious joke here, someone please let me know.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 by Phil. Permalink for Sign Perplexes Burrito Analyst