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Welcome To Freebirds World Burrito

Well, this Yankee doesn't know much about the Lone Star state, but with locations in Dallas, College Station, Austin, Houston, and San Antonio and the brief consultation of Rand McNally, some Freebirds are definitely in the Texas heart.

Freebirds is a little trendy, trying real hard to be a good time. I appreciate the decor, but we're here for the food.
Check out the truncated menu at left and their official site.
Monday, March 19, 2007 by Jonah.
Hey, I like your burrito blog. I've been to Tacos Lupita in Cambridge. Didn't like it that much being a tex-mex snob from Texas. Free Birds is good too, but my only memory of their burritos were without meat...I'm a recovering vegetarian. If you're ever back in Austin, try Guerro's on South Congress. Not sure if the burritos are good but the tacos are awesome. I do love that hangover meal at Angela's Burrito Style. I live right around the corner from there.
Posted by: sweetyellowcorn at March 31, 2007 03:16 PM
Granted, they started one restaurant in Santa Barbara, but three years later, brought it to College Station, TX - home of Texas A&M University - and for the next 10 years, remained the only place east of Cali that you could get one.
It was through the sheer determination and will of alumni that brought multiple locations in College Station and then into the larger cities in Texas (based on the population of Aggie Alumni).
Point being, before you call it trendy, try going to the original on Northgate, across from campus. Remember that the other university in Austin is our bitter rival and Aggies have always staked a claim to "The Bird." So eating your inaugural monster in Austin is like trying your first McDonald's in Moscow - or buying an Ohio State sweatshirt in Ann Arbor.
Since having left Texas, I have yet to be even remotely satisfied by anything resembling a burrito from Chipotle, Moe's, or Taco John's. Luckily I always have reasons to go back and a visit never goes by without having at least one bird.
If you're ever back in Texas and find yourself in the unfortunate situation of driving west on I-20 for what will seem like eternity, pull off into Midland/Odessa (halfway between Dallas and El Paso) and try a burrito from Taco Villa or Rosa's Cafe. These are both local chains with a LONG history in West Texas. Only Rosa's has ventured elsewhere - to College Station - where it's packed every night.
Otherwise, try a super sloppy late night burrito from Taco Cabana. Known mainly for it's 24-hour service to drunk college students, it's a statewide chain that you should have no problems finding in any of the top 10 cities in Texas - and I found it surprisingly good when I tried it sober during the daytime.
Posted by: Myron Hawryluk at April 23, 2007 02:32 PM
Freebirds is tight but illegal pete's in boulder, CO is better.. also the shrimp burrito's at Senor Fish in Los Angeles are a must
Posted by: aface at August 25, 2007 09:18 PM
Great burritos here! They are locally owned and they tend to stay local serving local brewed beer and iced tea. They also recently expanded their menu options to include more toppings and now serve tacos as well.
Posted by: Ashley Designer Bags at September 18, 2008 08:56 PM
Correction: Freebirds is located in Isla Vista, California - Approximately 11 miles north on the 101 of Santa Barbara.
This, I would know...I have spent many a 4 AM there.
Posted by: Sean at December 29, 2008 04:51 PM