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Peri-Peri Hot Sauce Reviewed By Expert

Three bottles arrived: Medium Peri-Peri, Hot Sweet Peri-Peri, and Garlic Peri-Peri. What is Peri-Peri (a.k.a. African Birdseye)? From Wikipedia:
African Birdseye is a cultivar of the chili pepper that grows both wild and domesticated. It is a small and extremely spicy member of the capsicum plant genus.

I liked the Medium sauce the most - not because of the heat factor but the flavor. Despite the 'medium' namesake, I found it to pack to most punch. But I'm outside my field of expertise here. I specialize in burritos, not sauce.

Shane said the Hot Sweet sauce was definitely not destined for glory atop a burrito. Maybe Chinese food. The Garlic sauce he paired with fries. Only the Medium was burrito appropriate.
Wow, my taste buds are aligned with greatness.
The entire office agreed. Of the three bottles donated to public use, the Medium is long gone.
See also: Tequila Hot Sauce and Hot Sauce Blog.
Saturday, May 12, 2007 by Jonah.