The Burrito Blog
July 2007
A Word On Baby Spinach

Regarding a recent post, he asked why only the Anna's MIT location has spinach, and why does it have spinach at all?
Anna's MIT has spinach because only that location has the breakfast burrito, which contains the aforementioned leafy vegetable as an optional ingredient. But if you want spinach on your Mexican plate or burrito get there early, because they put the espinacas away at lunch time.
As Popeye would say:
I'm Strong to the Finish 'Cause I Eats Me Spinach
This entry is filed in {News}.
Monday, July 23, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for A Word On Baby Spinach
The Best Looking Salsa

To all the cilantro haters out there, start your own blog. I'll hear all complaints about Burrito Blog but don't mess with my cilantro.
The steak plate featured was from Anna's MIT location in the early morning. Breakfast, baby, breakfast.
Friday, July 20, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for The Best Looking Salsa
Anthony Saves The Day

Anthony, seen here a few weeks ago at Romano's in Roslindale, stepped up and came to the rescue.
You are what you eat, so the transitive property concludes:
If Anthony = a steak burrito from Romano's, and Anthony = pure furniture moving muscle, then a steak burrito from Romano's = pure furniture moving muscle.
Problem solved.
Thursday, July 19, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for Anthony Saves The Day
Burrito Blog Is Back From Lunch

I present to you an Anna's creation to be had only at the MIT location. Steak plate with espinacas instead of lechuga (spinach not lettuce). Best plate ever? Just might be. Last summer there was a blight on spinach; this treat was an impossibility.
I'm hooked on spinach. Lettuce is for farm animals.
See also: the elusive breakfast burrito and the more elusive breakfast taco for other MIT only specialties.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for Burrito Blog Is Back From Lunch