The Burrito Blog
December 2007
Boston Magazine: Burrito Blog Burnout
All press is good press, so they say. In a story on the influx of Burrito locations in the neighborhood, Boston Magazine wonders if the town can take it, adding:
Is a reckoning upon us? ...Cambridge’s Jonah Feld, who runs the website Burrito Blog, is showing signs of burnout.Ha! Full story here.
I guess I really should get back to posting more. Gotta entertain the Burrito Blog faithful. Time to recall some inspiration!
This entry is filed in {Press}.Friday, December 28, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for Boston Magazine: Burrito Blog Burnout
Breakfast Served Until Lunch

John, Matt, and I went there for an early snack. For some this meant lunch. For me it was time for huevos rancheros. Breakfast.
Please recall that I've had a hard time finding good huevos rancheros during breakfast hours in the Boston area.

What a meal. Fried eggs, beans, a stack of 4 tortillas, rice, guacamole, and salsa. First meal is breakfast. Second is lunch. Third is dinner. Hours are immaterial. Thankfully I don't know how far you can stretch it until Tacos Por Favor will refuse to make your huevos rancheros.
Monday, December 17, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for Breakfast Served Until Lunch
El Pelon Was Burning
A few days ago El Pelon caught fire. I'm not sure their current status, but they were definitely closed over the weekend.
Details and photos at the Phoenix.
See also: Not Hot, On Fire.
This entry is filed in El Pelon Taqueria.Monday, December 10, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for El Pelon Was Burning
Lost Burrito Revenue For Casa Sanchez
This news archive in from Junior Burrito Analyst Dave Stuart.
Martha Sanchez hung a sign in the front window of Casa Sanchez, the family's Mission District taqueria (Map), offering a free lunch for life to anyone who had the restaurant's logo tattooed onto his or her body.Full story.
That was back in 1999.
The Sanchez family estimated that the marketing tactic could cost $5.8 million in lost sales. That's based on 40 free $8 meals per week over 50 years. That was back in 1999. It doesn't get much more permanent than a tattoo for compelling customer loyalty.

If anyone's heard an update on Casa Sanchez and their logo tattoo for food giveaway deal, please leave a comment below.
This entry is filed in {News}.Saturday, December 01, 2007 by Jonah. Permalink for Lost Burrito Revenue For Casa Sanchez | Comments (2)