The Burrito Blog
January 2008
Free Burrito At Cleveland Circle Chipotle
Ohio readers, the free burrito is at the Boston Cleveland Circle Chipotle location only (Map).
Massachusetts readers, the free burrito is available January 30th from 11am to 8pm only.
Chipotle will officially open Jan. 31 at 1924 Beacon St. However, Jan. 30 is the restaurant’s free burrito day: People who come to the store between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. will get a 20-ounce burrito and a soft drink - completely free of charge.
Full story. Thanks to Courtney for the tip!
This entry is filed in Chipotle.Tuesday, January 29, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Free Burrito At Cleveland Circle Chipotle
El Pelon Plans Comeback

In the meantime, Fenway / Kenmore burrito hunters have La Verdad Taqueria (Map) and Boca Grande.
Early 2008 is vague. Get well soon, El Pelon.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for El Pelon Plans Comeback