The Burrito Blog
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The Globe's Blind Burrito Taste Test
The kind folks at The Boston Globe were nice enough to buy ten burritos for the tasting pleasure of John, Mike, Anthony, and myself. Anthony couldn't make it by serving time. He hasn't been the same since.

Fanueil Hall's Quincy Market was chosen by The Globe as a neutral testing location. The nearly identically configured, unidentified burritos were sampled in the following order:
- Anna's Taqueria from Beacon Street in Brookline
- Qdoba from Coolidge Corner in Brookline
- Boloco from Water Street Downtown
- Boca Grande from Kenmore Square
- Chipotle from Cleveland Circle
Identifying the burrito vendors was more difficult than expected. It's been a long time since I've been to Boloco, and even longer since Chipotle and Qdoba. I was unprepared.
I swapped Chipotle for Qdoba - unforgivable to devotees of either. John identified all five correctly.
Mike and John both gave the favorite nod to Boloco's effort. I stuck with Anna's. Causes of error were extensive and will be explored in an upcoming post. Stay tuned for analysis.
Until then, check out seven pages of minute by minute coverage from The Boston Globe and a post from Mike's blog, The Food Monkey.
This entry is filed in {Press}.Thursday, February 21, 2008 by Jonah.