The Burrito Blog
March 2008
Elasticity Of Demand At Chipotle

Reportedly, the line was moving pretty quickly. Eager freebie recipients said they waited a mere fifteen minutes in line before getting inside.
Friday, March 28, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Elasticity Of Demand At Chipotle
Three Amigos At Felipe's

When these two came north for the weekend, we hit Felipe's after a night of casual drinking. How things have changed since college.

This entry is filed in Felipe's Taqueria.
Friday, March 28, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Three Amigos At Felipe's
Chipotle Giveaway: Harvard Sq. 3/12/08
In case you missed the insanity at Cleveland Circle six weeks ago, consider this a second chance. Chipotle will be giving away free burritos and soda from 11am - 8pm at their new Harvard Square location on Wednesday, March 12th.
Felipe's is about to be surrounded on all sides by Qdoba, Chipotle, and Boloco. Will they remain Harvard darlings?
Thanks to Internet megastars Bianca, Harry, and Melanie for the tip.
This entry is filed in Chipotle.Monday, March 10, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Chipotle Giveaway: Harvard Sq. 3/12/08
Burrito Half Life And Causes Of Error
There's been a whirlwind of hate mail peer review regarding the recent burrito taste test organized by The Boston Globe.
"I am shocked and also offended, perhaps next time you should include a real burrito expert, as in myself."Despite hostile tones, I share a passion with you, fellow burrito analysts. I hear your unrest. And I understand. No taste test is perfect, and we must consider the flaws of the experimental design.
"I am sick and tired of you blasting Boca Grande. You obviously do not have very discerning taste buds."
"No Felipe's? Fail."
#1: Transportation, Preservation, and Heat Loss

#2: Evaporation Catalysts
Moisture is critical to tortilla texture. Some burritos were incised widthwise to prepare for photography, lasting approximately four minutes. Prolonged exposure to air accelerated the rate of evaporation prior to tasting. Tortillas were drier than usual.
#3: Burrito Half Life and Quality Decay
Anecdotal estimates place optimal consumption within seven minutes of construction. To supplement scarce scientific documentation on burrito decay, our analyst team composed the following estimate:

Because of varying purchase times to account for travel, freshness was unequal.
#4: Configuration as an Uncontrolled Variable
Efforts were made to ensure consistent burrito specifications as follows: steak, pinto beans, rice, cheese, and salsa. However, the Boca Grande specimen had no salsa, and varying hot sauce application techniques made controlling for spice difficult. It is impossible to configure burritos identically.
#5: Untested Vendors
The taste test was limited to five burritos; numerous local taquerias were stricken from participation.
#6: Natural Variance and Small Sample Size
Hand made burritos are subject to unavoidable inconsistency. When comparing the means of two samples with high variance, large sample sizes are required to warrant conclusions. Each tester sampled only one burrito from each establishment.
#7: Absent Rating Criteria
Burrito Blog's rating system incorporates cleanliness, presentation, service, and how I feel four hours later. The nature of the blind taste test at a neutral location invalidated the first three of these measurements. Mixed consumption and immediate judging eliminated the most important rating criteria: the aftermath.
Despite extensive causes of error, we applaud The Boston Globe in their scientific quest. Detracting elements were entirely beyond their control.
As with all experiments, repetition is required. So, dear readers, go out and eat for yourself.
Sunday, March 09, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Burrito Half Life And Causes Of Error