The Burrito Blog
June 2008
Speedy Dave

Unfortunately, the speed at which Burrito Blog posts stories is inversely related to my level of other responsibilities. It's easy to forget that Burrito Blog is merely a hobby. The best hobby ever, perhaps, but a hobby none the less.
Dave, I'm sorry this took me a month to post.
Monday, June 30, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Speedy Dave
Anna's MGH Finally Open
After much anticipation and long delays, Anna's Taqueria finally opened the doors to their location on Cambridge Street across the street from Massachusetts General Hospital (Map).
Anna's first location in Boston proper will open at 7am on weekdays and 8am on the weekend. Why so early? To serve breakfast burritos.
Thanks to Amanda for the tip.
This entry is filed in Anna's Taqueria.Sunday, June 15, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Anna's MGH Finally Open
The Best Looking Salsa, Part 2

This entry is filed in Anna's Taqueria.
Saturday, June 14, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for The Best Looking Salsa, Part 2
Taqueria Mexico Beacon Street Closes Doors
Less than two years after opening across the street from the well established and massively popular Anna's Taqueria, the Brookline location of Taqueria Mexico has closed its doors.
Bad location, location, location.
We were weary of the idea from the start, until meeting the El Presidente. Going to miss that for sure.
This entry is filed in Taqueria Mexico.Wednesday, June 04, 2008 by Jonah. Permalink for Taqueria Mexico Beacon Street Closes Doors