The Burrito Blog

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Speed Rolling With The Spoon Ninjas

Joshua Walovitch of the Boston Herald has been making news as 'Burrito Boy', seeking Boston's best burrito.

His claim as "the foremost burrito expert in the world" leaves me as "the former foremost," but hey, it's not a contest.

What is a contest is the burrito speed rolling event held at Anna's Taqueria. Josh says:

Five Anna's rollers and myself faced off in a time trial 'rito rolling challenge and the winner was crowned the 2010 Spoon Ninja and awarded the Golden Spoon. They're known as spoon ninjas because of their quick spoon skills when making burritos.

Burrito expertise aside, I concede this: Burrito Blog cannot compete with the video production muscle of the Herald. Great job Josh.

See also: Evidence Of Ninjas, Pirates Seen At Anna's

This entry is filed in {News}.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 by Jonah.