The Burrito Blog
Taqueria Cancun (CA)
Keyser Sesos

Phil and I split the taco. He was able to finish his half. I couldn't do more than a couple bites.
Brains tastes like organ meat. It's really soft and the smell reminds me of 10th grade biology lab. I don't think I'll try it again.
Much of my distaste for brains was probably mental, which is ironic. Ha!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Keyser Sesos
Excitement, Ingredients Not Contained

Phil joined me, but I forget what he had.
While lacking in structural integrity, the carne asada burrito was definitely above average with respect to taste.
Saturday, June 17, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Excitement, Ingredients Not Contained
Welcome To Taqueria Cancun

Time to silence the critics.
The music is out of control loud inside, and seating is family style on picnic tables.
The menu includes all kinds of authentic greats, including tortas, ceviche, pechuga suiza, lengua (tongue), and sesos (brains). Click on the picture of the menu for a full size version.Note: not to be confused with Taqueria Cancun in Boston.
Saturday, June 17, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To Taqueria Cancun | Comments (6)