The Burrito Blog
California Tortilla
New Unemployment Benefits: Free Burrito
If you send California Tortilla proof of your layoff, you'll get a gift card with a free burrito, plus double points for future purchases.
Those who can mail proof of termination to the company can receive a “Burrito Elito” card loaded with a free burrito. Paperwork dated from November 2008 forward is accepted.California Tortilla has locations in five mid-Atlantic states plus DC.
The promotion runs through Feb. 27. Recipients are also eligible for double points on their Burrito Elito card for a month, which awards free items when purchases begin to add up.
The paperwork for the promotion must be sent to the company’s Rockville headquarters or to
Thanks to Tevvy for the tip.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 by Jonah. Permalink for New Unemployment Benefits: Free Burrito
Cast A Vote For The Taco Party
California Tortilla, with locations in the MD/DC/VA area, is giving a free taco to anyone who shows proof that they voted. City hall records are not needed, that ovular "I Voted!" sticker will do.
Details are here.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Cast A Vote For The Taco Party
Hot Sauce Sampling

As always when mentioning the sauce, I must acknowledge the friends and expert hot sauce analysts at Hot Sauce Blog.
The many varieties of sauce are probably the best reason to return to California Tortilla.
Saturday, May 13, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Hot Sauce Sampling
Honey Lime Rhymes With Crime

Honey Lime BurritoI went with the regular.
Grilled Mesquite Chicken, Mexican Rice, A Zippy Honey Lime Sauce, Fresh Salsa and Romaine.
Small $4.89 | Regular $5.69
Fortunately, the burrito was free, because it wasn’t that good. Nicely put, the burrito was of exceptional value. The 'zippy' sauce is kind of thick and too similar to mayonnaise for my liking. Others, who are less mayo-averse, may enjoy this burrito more than I did.
Thursday, April 20, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Honey Lime Rhymes With Crime
My Lucky Day

But California Tortilla was giving scratch tickets to customers. Mine won a 'specialty burrito.'
That's right. I'm a winner.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for My Lucky Day
Welcome To California Tortilla

While we overlooked the gem of Tacos Pepitos Bakery that was right under our noses, we did happen to make it to Bethesda to try what the locals call, "CalTor." Fast forward three years. Burrito Blog is born. One year later, I return to California Tortilla.
With locations in DC, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, California Tortilla lacks a geographic foothold in said state of California. No matter. I get the point.
Purists may be offended by the creative wraps on the menu, but will be happy to find the plethora of hot sauces (75 of 'em) available for taste testing.
Check out the official site here.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To California Tortilla | Comments (4)