The Burrito Blog
Cosmic Cantina
Strike A Pose

Dear Boston,
I miss you, but you don't have happy hour specials.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Strike A Pose
Two Thumbs Up To Kyra

Meet Kyra. John and I think she rocks. Here's why:
#1: She works at the Cosmic Cantina in New York's Union Square
#2: She knows burritos. She's an industry professional.
#3: She's the best waitress ever. True story.
#4: She is the only burrito employee to ever discover Burrito Blog before we discovered her.
#5: We found her menu knowledge and recommendations to be exceptional.
Sorry, Jessie, you are no longer The Cosmic Cantina Expert. There are two of you.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Two Thumbs Up To Kyra
They Can Mini Anything

How efficient! Dim sum burritos?
Saturday, September 03, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for They Can Mini Anything
The Cosmic Cantina Expert Speaks

Jonah: so I went to cosmic cantina
Jessie: where at
Jonah: NYC. NC was just too far away
Jessie: yea, but the nyc one isnt as good, so don't judge based on that. but whatd you think??
Jonah: eh. it's on
Jessie: oh. ok this is sad, but i promise you the durham cosmic is the best
Jonah: what?
Jessie: chapel hill is next best and then nyc
Jonah: have you been to all 3?!
Jessie: yea
Jonah: you have an expert opinion! can I quote you?
Jessie: are you kidding?
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for The Cosmic Cantina Expert Speaks
Char Burrito

No problem. I'll sip some sangria. Take your time.
Second, there seems to be less quality control, as not all burritos lay on the stove the same way.
I've got give credit where credit is due. Taco Bell had the QC figured out on their assembly line style grilled stuft burrito. The grilling was uniform in its distribution on both sides of the burrito.
Overall, I was disappointed, but will try it again one day.
Friday, May 20, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Char Burrito
Welcome To Cosmic Cantina

This place boasts organic burritos. I suppose I can't argue with that.
They steam their tortillas like Anna's Taqueria, Boca Grande, and others, but then they wrap them in foil and put them on the stove for a little burnt flavor. It's interesting.The New York location has a liquor license, which is nice, and has a bar-ish atmosphere to it. Here's the secret sauce: the NYC Cosmic Cantina closes at 5am.
Thursday, May 19, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To Cosmic Cantina | Comments (4)
Donde Esta Cosmic Cantina?
I heard a rumor that there's a burrito shop in Chapel Hill, Durham, and NYC called Cosmic Cantina. Aussie prize fighter Jessie Polini claims it's delicious, and that girl can't tell a lie.I'm always up for a little road trip. It's time for a burrito testing adventure!
Can I sleep on your couch?
Monday, March 28, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Donde Esta Cosmic Cantina?