The Burrito Blog
Tacos Pepito's Bakery
New Scooters, Faster Delivery

According to Junior Burrito Analyst Dave Stuart, former resident of the other side of the bridge, the new scooters reduce delivery time by a substantial margin.
Faster burritos are better burritos.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for New Scooters, Faster Delivery
The Sour Cream Tumor

One bite in, sour cream alarm went into code white. Crema comes standard on the carne asada burrito from Tacos Pepito's Bakery. Boo!
But I was really hungry. Could anything be done? Could the sour cream tumor be removed?

The lengthwise incision revealed the burrito had been poorly rolled. Never has such poor ingredient distribution been so appreciated. The sour cream tumor was removed. Procedure status: success.
Friday, April 21, 2006 by Jonah. Permalink for The Sour Cream Tumor
Busses, No Busses

Just don't miss your bus. No matter what.
If you miss the bus, the next one probably doesn't pick up near that corner, and your ticket is no good. I digress.
After a very full weekend, I hustled to meet up with Dave Stuart, the Junior Burrito Analyst who discovered Tacos Pepitos [Time: 5:00]. I was super late [Time: 5:45]. There was a line. The kitchen was backed up. The bus was leaving at 6:00.
Burritos are delivered in plastic bags but no tin foil [Time: 5:55], Anthony and I ran out of there and fly through the grid of the capitol city to get to the bus. I call and foolishly ask them to hold the departure [Time: 6:05]. My request is refused [Time: 6:06].

Was the big guy who thought he had an empty seat next to him happy to see me sneak in with my stinky burrito? No. Was the burrito delicious? Yes.
Monday, November 28, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Busses, No Busses
Liars! Again!

This time, the reverse was true.
I don't care that your 'open' sign doesn't work correctly. Just give me my food.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Liars! Again!

Soaked to the skin, we discovered that Tacos Pepitos does not turn off the 'Open' sign when they are, in fact, closed.
Friday, October 14, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Liars!
Welcome To Tacos Pepito's

Come for the burritos, and you won’t be disappointed.
In particular I recommend the chicken burrito. As testament to the authenticity of the Mexican heritage, the Chicken Burrito is listed on the menu as the “Burrito Gringo.” It’s that same authenticity that serves as the only downside. The language barrier is the X factor and unless you can order in Spanish the burrito delivered to you may not be exactly what you requested. But roll with the punches and you’ll have yourself one of the best burritos our Capital has to offer for a little under 6 bucks.
Tacos Pepitos was reviewed by Junior Burrito Analyst Dave Stuart
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 by Jonah. Permalink for Welcome To Tacos Pepito's